Self Initiated project – It’s time to analyse

The moment when a term is over just arrived. And I guess that this is time to analyse our work.

I would like to say that it is was one of my favourite projects of this academic year. I always follow social media and keep looking at changes and popular, fashion things people use on the internet. I always try to understand the way followers love the product and what particular things they interested in. At the same time, I’m not a selfie person who taking images at every corner and this was a time to publish myself more often than usual.

It was hard to find a right idea which would be related to all three of us. Three completely different girls needed something special and unique. As soon as we came with our CRC project we were full of motivation. Whenever I’ve been I kept thinking of new ideas and all stereotypes people thinking of. I keep saying to girls let’s make fun, let’s make it silly and easy.

It’s important to say that this is a group project. I’m very glad that I’m in the group with these two girls. Jessicah always supports all ideas and gives suggestions that we probably didn’t think of at all. She also has the talent to calm me down when I’m too busy with work. Kayshan is the most serious person on CRC project. While Anya and Jess keep creating fantastic staff in our minds, Kayshan thinks of real things and issues we can meet with. She is our mum who says “Girls, it’s too much we need to rethink this stuff”. I’m a person who takes all remarks and comments very difficult because It’s hard to realise that you’are not right sometimes. That’s why I better to say thanks to girls who teach me in a way to be more patient.

I was more motivated than girls probably. As long as we found our concept I was jumping around them, I was pushing them a lot. For example, Kayshan doesn’t really enjoy our CRC thing and takes it as a university project. That’s why we had a few difficulties because she wasn’t motivated anymore at one moment. She is right but I take this project as something more than just a university unit. I saw feedback from tutors, emotions from other people and a smile on their faces. I want to keep going. I learn a lot with this project. It starts from editing and finishing to publishing it to social media. All these things such a logo, strategy, captions, sound and editing effects, the way we creating jokes are very interesting to me. I love to see feedback from people and put it in a future material. This is our first year and I feel that this is something I can improve my skills with. We gonna have huge projects in future and this is can be my first experience. Finally, we just making fun of it.

I would like to say that without the girls I can’t achieve and even create this kind of thing so it was cool to work together. I wish we can carry on and make more fun and cool stuff but will see. I’ve enjoyed it a lot and very looking forward to final feedback from tutors and final grades as well.

Oh yeah, by the way there is our summative presentation  with the last updates. Enjoy and thank you, everyone!

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