Diesel Sneakers – Summative

Finally, the summative day came. This project is something new for me because I’ve never known about the Diesel content and the way they create ideas for the new collections. I knew that adverts can be made in very different ways: attraction, luxury, provocative, cute, etc. Diesel shows me the content which is completely different from all other luxury wear brands. Their adverts are very provocative and it gives them to be unique and attractive at the same time. With this project, I had an opportunity to put some fun into the work process and create something silly but useful. Well, I had mistakes and I have to improve many things. Next time I want to make pictures into the professional way. For example, book a studio and put lights on the quality look of pictures. Also, from project to project I understand that I have to learn more and more programmes because when the briefs come and I have an idea I can’t make it real then. So, I need to practise and practise to achieve the day when you can see and get all my ideas completely without my skills issues.

I like my idea. I believe in my idea. I know that it will work and people are gonna love it.

In short, let’s work harder to be proud of work next time.

PS you can see my final presentation right here

Diesel Sneakers – Background Music

As a part of our task, we have to think about background music. So, my project is kind of “have fun” structure which has the game format. I thought about the nature sound for the forest mood at the home page. It means that as soon as the customer comes into the homepage he can feel the mood of the new collection. I put a “Skip the game” option and “Sound off” option as well. This is the necessary part of the site and the game as well. Sometimes you are not in a mood to play games instead of buying clothes that’s why all these options are necessary. Well, my music choice is simple.

  1. Homepage with the dark forest background has a sound os nature
  2. As soon as the man collection appeared to the customer the song of The Cartoons – Which Doctor started to play. I chose this sound because of monkey mood on the page
  3. Then, as soon as women collection page opened the Snoop Dogg – The next episode song appear to the customer. I chose this song because of gangsta fox mood on the picture

My idea is put different sound to each animal profile. The sound depends on the style and image of the animal.

Diesel Sneakers – Website content

During my work, I understood that all that images and style which I was doing for all week looks kind of luxury style. We have the task to create something stupid and provocative and all me work before is not right concept. So, I’ve changed the top site menu and started to create a new interesting things. Let’s see how it’s gonna look!

I put letters style that I was looking for.

Diesel Sneakers – Website Images

On Thursday I’ve talk to Xavier again and showed him things that I’ve done so far. He said that everything is fine and I just should think about concept and the way how to visualise my idea. There was one thing that I absolutely should not take into my project: cartoon images.

I was thinking about all research that I’ve red and saw about Diesel company. I’ve got that this is completely different brand that don’t afraid to be provocative, stupid and fun. So, I’ll make it simple and fun!

Work that I’ve done so far you can see below.

Diesel Sneakers – Developing

I can say that last two days I was trying to make images very nice. But the thing it wasn’t like I expected to see. Absolutely was not! I’ve tried to put forest as a background for the pictures that we’ve done, then I put cartoon images but still it does not work. I was confused and upset because I’m trying to make my project look nice but it seems very cheap and silly. I think the main problem in this situation is my digital skills. I see the perfect concept in my mind but I can’t make it the same way in reality. So, let’s work harder to get the necessary result.

There are a few images of my practise.

PS sorry Jordan, you’re the best!