
To be honest, I did like this project. Generally, as an international student, I always enjoy going to art places, exhibitions, festivals and all these things. So, after we got a brief, I was happy to work with it. I was stuck with my concept for a while which slow up my process a lot. I think it happened because of the pressure of the second project but I do understand that in the real industry it could be worse. So, I’ve learned that you better manage your timetable and better be able to put all ideas on the list. This is very helpful cause I could of learn some new things and improve my skills. But I do like my final work. I showed it to some people from other courses and they did get an idea which makes me very happy. One of them said ‘Would be nice to have it in some galleries’. Isn’t makes me be proud of my project?

Step by step, project by project I understand that I chose the right industry. I really like things we do and I love workshops and lectures with people from this industry. This is amazing opportunity to learn and improve. I wanna be a good designer and I know that I have a potential. Study, study and study one more time!

Please see my summative presentation here


Interactive game ‘Detect me’

I feel like I better explain step by step in case if this video doesn’t really make sense.

  • A huge installation of the Turner’s works on the screen;
  • An interactive desk in front of it;
  • By picking a colour from one of 7 colour palette you can create your own colour circle;
  • While you pick each colour, a red frame at the main screen shows you which painting you relating the most at the moment;
  • By clicking ‘YES’you actually, can find out what Turner’s painting is related the most to your chosen colours.

Please find below an explanation of the interactive game.

PS I’m sorry for this sexy lady who can’t even walk to the interactive screen. I promise I will make it better next time!


Today we had our summative session. In a few words, I know that we could have done it much better. But to be honest, it was impossible to work with nothing. One and half month we were doing research and meeting our groups. Another two weeks we were working with untextured renders. In overall, this is a very interesting project that teaches you a lot about collaboration. A project that gives you an understanding of a little model of the real collaborative process. Different deadlines made this brief useful and stressful. However, I still learned some important things. Teamwork is never been an easy process. You always meet and work with people you like and people you don’t really like. The main point is to find their best skills and make your project look brilliant. Hugo is a great communicator. He knows what to say, how to say and when it’s a right time to say. If he wasn’t that busy outside of rave, he could of show you how nicely he can focus on work and make it nice and cool. To compare with, Joe is a guy who gave me the inspiration to learn and learn new things. I was surprised all the time when he made a small piece of work looks absolutely amazing in a few seconds. And it always looks so clean, tidy and beautiful. That is definitely an example for me to work harder. As for me, I felt a bit left with this project. Usually being a leader, this time I was quiet and calm. I did push guys when we needed it, reminded them smth and we all have been discussing and sharing our ideas. I felt that they probably didn’t really believe in my skills and that’s why I was kind of a communicator between them too in this project. But at the end of the day, I was helpful and have done my best for brochure design. You can check our final presentation here

In the end, I’m proud with our result even with all that difficulties we’ve met. And I’m very glad that this project is over.We saved good relationships with architects and I think this is a good point. One day, when I will hear words collaboration collaborative etc I will think of Sandbox Visions. I will smile.

Thanks everyone and Ben, we will miss you.


Madrid design

So, as it happens all the time with students, we had to do all our work at the very last moment. Joe worked with last renders we got at 3-4pm today and Hugo improved his brochure and hoarding with these files. I was working with my imagination and you can see the result below. We wanted to print it nicely, we also wanted to put it into a nice template but because of time limitations, bad collaboration and lack of images that’s all we got.

Please see the hoarding below:


Keep going

All this week I was playing around with brochure. We chose circles as the main shape for Madrid so I focused on it. We expected more renders from groups till Saturday and spent all last week in rave till late nights but didn’t receive anything new from Madrid. However, London group sent us pretty much and Hugo and Joe used it all for the brochure and website.

As for me, I was left with nothing. Actually, they send us is a link to this picture:


They said that this is the best explanation of their idea and we should use it for our work. There is not much to work with so I had the only one way. Improve Anya, you can use your imagination and google some images.